A Letter From Our Founder & Executive Director

Dear friends of the Latino Community Center,


It is with great excitement (and relief) that I write this welcoming letter to you from our new home in East Liberty. As I walk through our new space, I see our team members laughing, talking, brainstorming, and interacting with one another. I also see families walking in for appointments and community members bringing in families who are in difficult situations needing support. Most importantly, I hear the sounds of a center that is back and very much alive. 

It has taken us some time to arrive at this place. I do believe the pandemic changed us (“us” meaning LCC but also “us” meaning everyone, everything). How could it not? We had to learn how to work differently, be creative in our problem solving, all while growing the team and becoming an organization of over 35 employees. 

Therefore, this past year it was primarily about getting to learn who we have become as an organization

We did this by going through a Strategic Planning process with Bonner Consulting and conducting stay interviews with our team. Both of these processes required vulnerability on our part, but it was only through these processes that we learned so much. We learned that our work is impactful AND that we need to be more clear in communicating what we do and what we don’t do.

We learned to listen to our team and that internally, we have team members who are eager and willing to step up to the plate and lead.

When I look back at this year, I see defining moments. What I mean by that is that there were several instances where decisions needed to be made, and I made them using my gut, my heart, my instinct, and by listening to the team. It didn’t always make sense, and the answers were not always the most common sense, but when those 4 aligned, I knew that it was the right decision to make.  

Furthermore, I am grateful to our board, especially our Board Chair Dr. Belkys Torres, who stepped in to support the organization during my maternity leave. I am grateful to the LCC team for all of the hard work they do each and every day and for giving me the trust to lead us. As a new fiscal year begins, I am excited to continue to bring life into the Center and continue to make it a safe and welcoming place for our community.

Rosamaria Cristello
Executive Director


Rosamaria with her two children. Rosamaria became a mom of 2 during this Fiscal Year


Our Impact: At-A-Glance





Emily Blair
Director of Education

Improving Educational Outcomes for Latinx Youth in Pittsburgh

The Education Team entered the 2021-2022 school year with hope and positivity. Emerging from a year of virtual learning, our team was thrilled to see our students' faces and to begin implementing our programs as they were originally designed to run. That being said, things were not the same. The team worked hard to create detailed health and safety plans, communicate new and different expectations with families, and problem-solve what to do in the event that COVID cases rose again. 

The year ended up being a testimony to the team's commitment to our students and families, demonstrating resilience yet again in LCC staff, students, and families in the face of challenges. The ParentChild+ team shifted their home visits to a hybrid model, SOY Pittsburgh Elementary had to frequently adjust plans at the last minute due to COVID cases and district-wide lockdowns, and SOY Pittsburgh Middle had to completely transform program delivery due to bus driver shortages. 

Despite these seeming setbacks, LCC’s education programs thrived. We graduated our first cohort of early learners from ParentChild+ in June, and at the opposite end of the spectrum, our first cohort of Avanzando Through College students completed year one in May! Our SOY Pgh Elementary waiting list is the longest it’s ever been due to high demand, and SOY Pgh Middle School served the most students of any of our in-person programs. Additionally, LCC’s Virtual Tutoring program flourished as learning losses became apparent, providing academic support to nearly 100 students this year. Tutors are in high demand for this program, and the re-launch of LCC’s SOMOS Pittsburgh youth mentoring program has been long overdue. Finally, underlying all of these programs, LCC’s Education Family Support program assisted families with a diverse range of educational needs, from basic school questions to complex cases. 

The success and growth of our education programs is a joint effort between LCC’s amazing Education Team, our dedicated families, and our wonderful students. 

A Special Thanks to:

Beechwood ES, South Hills MS, Arsenal MS,
Sarah Heinz House, & Pgh Center for Arts and Media

for their ongoing partnership and support of our elementary and middle school programming.



This year saw the completion of LCC’s first full cohort of LCC’s early childhood home visiting program, ParentChild+. We celebrated our first graduation in June with laughter, pride, and even a few tears after so many hours spent together learning and growing! ParentChild+ graduated 7 young learners, who then enrolled in kindergarten with the assistance of our PC+ team. One of our PC+ graduates will participate in SOY Pittsburgh Elementary, moving along LCC’s education continuum! We were also excited to add an Early Learning Specialist to our ParentChild+ team, and 10 additional families who completed their first cycle of PC+ this year.

Total home visits


Total families served



SOY (Supporting Our Youth) Pittsburgh Elementary

Students, families, and staff were overjoyed that SOY Pittsburgh Elementary, LCC’s signature bilingual out-of-school time program, was back in person for the 2021-2022 school year! While the pandemic still presented a variety of challenges throughout the year, the benefits of being together far surpassed them. SOY Pgh Elementary met daily after school, Monday through Friday. A major program highlight this year was our Long-Term Artist Residency through the PA Council for the Arts, in partnership with Pittsburgh Center for Arts and Media. Our SOY elementary students created some amazing projects, and they had the opportunity to work with the Andy Warhol Museum and a folk artist in Mexico via Zoom!

Students served in Elementary School


Total days in session


Special Field Trip

Pgh Zoo


SOY (Supporting Our Youth) Pittsburgh Middle School

2021-2022 marked the first year that SOY Pittsburgh Middle School met in person, which was a wonderful milestone. The program met during the school day this year at both South Hills and Arsenal Middle Schools, creating an even stronger partnership with both schools. SOY Middle School students learned Latin dancing with Los Sabrosos, drumming with Geña Nieves, and outdoor skills with Venture Outdoors. They also enhanced their soccer skills with Open Field, and had a blast on their first field trip to a Pittsburgh Pirates game!

Students served in Middle School


Total sessions across 2 schools


Special Field Trip

Pgh Pirates Game


ALAS (Advancing Latinx Academic Success) Pittsburgh

ALAS Pittsburgh, LCC’s high school and post-secondary success program, prepares the next generation of Latinx leaders for college and career success. 2021-2022 was an exciting year for ALAS, bringing about LCC’s first cohort of our UnidosUS Avanzando Through College program and a continued growth of interest among our older students! This year, ALAS Pittsburgh supported 82 students and 19 first-generation students were accepted to college!

Top 3 needs across the year:

  • Financial Aid

  • Finding scholarships

  • Applying to college

Total of students supported


Individual advising sessions


Total workshops



Virtual Tutoring

LCC’s Virtual Tutoring program, which matches K-12 Latino students with tutors to receive academic support, has grown into an incredibly popular program! Many students have experienced learning loss due to the pandemic, and the convenience of having a tutor connect virtually in the home has made this program critical for our students. Tutors, students, and families all rave about the program. Some of the successes we hear include the students’ increased enthusiasm for learning and understanding of more difficult concepts (like algebra!), and the tutors’ observation of student progress as they plan fun and engaging sessions for their students.

Total number of students served


Total number of tutoring hours provided


Nov. 2021 - June 2022


SOMOS Pittsburgh

SOMOS Pittsburgh, LCC’s middle and high school youth mentoring program, provides valuable mentoring opportunities to the next generation of Latinos by connecting them with a positive Latino role model, showing students that any dream is possible! After pausing SOMOS Pittsburgh during the pandemic, this year was spent rebuilding the program. Not only did LCC’s Student Connection Specialist, Carla, redevelop all program materials and begin recruitment of new mentoring pairs, she also collaborated with LCC’s partner, The Mentoring Partnership of SW PA to ensure the mentoring training is available in Spanish.

Active matches


Additional interest in process






Education Family Support

LCC’s Education Family Support program, which helps Latino families in the region navigate the school system and overcome barriers to access education, continues to grow and thrive. As the year progressed, LCC was the only organization from the PLC that continued to receive calls through the Family Hotline, and the calls poured in all year. Common themes include language access (ensuring families can communicate with schools in a language they understand), school enrollment, academics, internet and technology support, and questions about devices. Adriana, LCC’s Education Family Liaison, offers personalized support, follow-up, and advocacy for each family who reaches out.

Individuals assisted through the Family Hotline


Total calls received


Families helped with internet connection



 The LCC’s Education team would like to thank our wonderful partners!


A+ Schools


Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh

Los Sabrosos Dance, Co.


Pittsburgh Center for Arts & Media

Pittsburgh Public Schools

Positivity Project

Open Field

PPS Arsenal 6-8

PPS Beechwood

PPS South Hills 6-8

Sarah Heinz House

Seton Hill University

STEM Coding Lab

The Mentoring Partnership of SW PA


Venture Outdoors






Site Director of Family Services

Empowering Latinx families

At the beginning of our fiscal year, the Latino Community Center shifted programs and responsibilities in order to accommodate the needs during the pandemic. With Covid-19 still on the rise, a few of our programs had to be paused to allow families and staff to recuperate and adjust and get vaccinated. The programs began to bounce back shortly after September. While masks are still being worn when meeting with families, we have been able to strengthen many of the programs and increase our staff and add a few other programs to our Family Services. 

This year, the team was able to take some time to reorganize and plan for when we would start meeting in person with our families. We launched the new Welcome Center Team, hired a Community Health Worker Manager, and had a staff person represent the Pennie program to our Latinx community. This year we were able to serve over 800 Latinx families within Allegheny County. 

All of this would not have been possible without the help, support, and commitment of our devoted staff members and community partners.

Top 5 Family Center Referrals

  1. Rental and Utility Assistance Programs: 40%

  2. Employment opportunities: 20%

  3. Medical appointments: 15%

  4. Housing: 15%

  5. Mental Health providers: 10%

The LCC makes referrals to over 250 local organizations! Our main resources include:

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Housing Development Corporation (PHDC)

United Way of Southwestern PA

Allegheny Health Network

Consumer Health Coalition


Jewish Family and Children’s Services (JFCS)

Duquesne Light Company


Allegheny County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)

Dollar Energy

University of Pittsburgh Law School

UPMC Mercy

Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank

Welcome Center Team

Although the Welcome Center was one of our first programs at LCC, it was primarily managed by a team of volunteers. Due to the growth and demand of our services, this year we officially hired a Welcome Center team. This team is committed to welcoming families by answering the phone, meeting and greeting our community as they come into the center, and providing on-the-spot services and referrals. In order to assist the Family Services department, the Welcome Center Team schedules dedicated time to meet with each family, receive general information about what brought them to the center, set SMART goals, prepare the families for services and pass them along to the other program coordinators for wrap-around services. They all do a great job at asking clarifying questions that allow them to know the needs of the families in order to connect them to the proper program. This Welcoming team has proven to be a great success in the enrollment of families at the Latino Community Center.

Intakes through Welcome Center Team



Case Management

The LCC case management team provided families with comprehensive services and referrals to make sure our community members had access to food, housing, utilities, legal assistance, and all the other resources they need to thrive. Collaborations are critical to effective human services, and we are proud and grateful to partner with a network of over 250 local organizations in support of our families. 

We received frequent requests for food, housing, and legal services - primary needs our community has faced great challenges in navigating. Families sometimes have difficulty sourcing culturally appropriate food, communicating appropriately, or advocating for themselves due to language barriers, and their challenges finding affordable housing reveal the rampant discrimination and how it directly affects the Latinx community.

While we are not a crisis center, our Family Services team continues to show up and support our community however we are able. We work to provide whatever support is needed - from helping a single mom flee an abusive relationship, get her life together, and now have a place of her own with a sustainable job to assisting families with corrections to birth certificates, access to daycare, and much more.

Families supported through Case Management



Community Health Workers (Promotores)

This year, the Promotores de Salud, also known as Community Health Workers, made sure that members of our community had access to the health services they needed without being restricted by language barriers, limited income, fears related to immigration status, or lack of knowledge. They provided assistance to families by scheduling primary care appointments and dental check-ups, shared information in areas such as nutrition, self-care, and women’s health, and ensured that families had access to healthy foods.
We are thrilled that our Promotores de Salud have begun their certification process to allow them greater access to resources for the communities they serve.

Families helped through Community Health Workers



Covid-19 Vaccine Campaign: This year, thanks to the support from the CDC and Hispanic Federation, continued to mobilize a group of COVID-19 Vaccine champions whose mission was to get our community vaccinated. This team provided accurate information about COVID-19 and the vaccine in Spanish, and in partnership with the Squirrel Hill Health Center and the JCC, held vaccination clinics for our community (in Squirrel Hill and McKeesport). Every person that got vaccinated and/or brought someone to get vaccinated, received a free Salvadorian Pupusa! This team was hired on as Community Health Workers once the campaign was completed.

Hola Bebe: A sub-group of our CHW program is Hola Bebe (Hello Baby). This team provided education and support to mothers who have recently given birth. They provided a monthly peer support group for new moms, weekly check-ins with one-on-one emotional support, basic needs assistance (such as diapers, wipes, and formula), and more!


“Triple P” Parenting

The Triple P program has been a great resource to the Latinx community. We’ve had families from all over Allegheny County participate, use the methods learned within the program, and testify to how helpful it’s been.

Families that participated over the past year were extremely grateful for the resources provided. They were also able to participate in field trips where the families were able to spend time together; the group got to know each other better, and a lot of them were able to share how the resources received were put into practice. Some of the families participated in a field trip to the Children’s Museum and the Pittsburgh Zoo.

We’re looking forward to the new year!

Positive Parenting Registrants


Total workshops


Children impacted


Our Family Services team would like to thank our key partners


Allegheny County Department of Human Services

Allegheny County Health Department

CDC Foundation

Triple P Positive Parenting

Hello Baby

Diaper Bank of Greater Pittsburgh


United Way of Southwestern PA

Latino Connection for Pennie Services

MHP Salud


And the over 250 organizations we referred to this year! 



Every year, the LCC hosts 2 major events to bring our community together:

Our annual Back to School Bash and our Christmas celebration, Navidad in Pittsburgh.




In August 2021, LCC celebrated our annual Back-to-School Bash with a week of fun and educational hybrid activities. The festivities this year included online workshops for those of all ages, such as an Art Celebration for our students, an Early Childhood session on Reading with Your Young Child, an evening with Pittsburgh Public Schools on what school would look like in 2021-2022, and a College Preparation night. The week concluded with our annual celebration at PNC Park, where we welcomed 350 individuals, 19 education partners, and distributed more than 220 backpacks to our students!

… and thank you to our partners for supporting our Back to School Bash and showing our students how much you care!


Amachi Pittsburgh



Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh

Crossroads Foundation

Falk Laboratory School

Girl Scouts of Western Pennsylvania

LaRoche University

Pittsburgh Promise

Pittsburgh Public Schools Early Childhood Department

Pittsburgh Public Schools ESL Department


Reading is Fundamental

Sarah Heinz House

STEM Coding Lab

The Peal Center


University of Pittsburgh Dental School



The 2021 Navidad in Pittsburgh event was a wonderful celebration for LCC’s families, offering a fun opportunity for everyone to come together and celebrate the season! The event was held at the Department of Human Services, which allowed for us to use multiple rooms and spaces for activities.

Navidad in Pittsburgh included crafts and games for children of all ages, photos with Santa, and a “free store” where parents had the opportunity to choose a gift for each of their children, which they took home with them wrapped and ready for Christmas. Families also left the event with a bag of food, and filled with the joy of Navidad! LCC is so thankful to all who donated gifts, ensuring this event was a success for our families and children!

Annual Report Color Backgrounds (2).png



Community Meetings

This year we welcomed 8 volunteer guest speakers to these virtual meetings with an average attendance of 22 people.
Sharing a monthly meeting with the community has been so special and we look forward to having these events in person in the near future.

Beverly’s Birthdays

Our partnership with Beverly’s Birthdays has been great! Our friends at Hot Metal Bridge allowed us to host 4 different events this year.
The birthday kids AND their siblings received cool clothes as their birthday gifts and we all enjoyed the music, food, treats, and games!

Hola Bebé

Six Hola Bebé workshops happened during the year! The workshops were online presentations in November, January, February, March, and April, and the first in-person workshop happened in June. A total of 23 moms attended. We discussed different topics related to pregnancy and prenatal-postnatal care.

Support Group

This year, we opened up the Autism Support group to every parent or caregiver that has a child with special needs, so we could reach more families. We have been working with different professionals and experts in different subjects, such as education, psychology, and health. This group also went on two field trips and a neurodiversity festival in partnership with the organization Evolve.

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Volunteer Spotlight


What inspired you to first start volunteering with the LCC?

I first became aware of the LCC in 2017 at a local college and career fair. The students were engaged and asked great questions about getting into college. Recognizing the need to connect students with local colleges, I worked with Rosamaria and Emily to provide the LCC with their first college tour and developed workshops for students on applying to schools and applying for financial aid.

What keeps you coming back?

I keep coming back because of the people. Volunteering for Navidad en Pittsburgh is one of my favorite experiences just for seeing the joy on a child’s face when Santa hands them a gift. Hearing that a student was accepted into one of their top universities and that you were able to play a small part in that is humbling and rewarding. Lastly, the staff of the LCC is second to none. They are dedicated professionals who truly embody and live the mission of the organization daily.

What would you tell other people thinking of volunteering with the LCC?

Stop thinking about it and do it! You have a great opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many people in Allegheny County by volunteering with the LCC. From packing emergency food boxes to organizing school supplies to the Back to School Bash, every action you take helps fulfill the mission of the LCC and makes our community stronger.

About Tony: Tony is originally from Hillsville, PA but has lived in White Oak, PA for 7 years. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Education from Westminster College in 2009, a Master of Education from Penn State in 2019, and is working on a Doctor of Education in Higher Education from the University of Pittsburgh with an expected graduation in 2024. He currently works for Carnegie Mellon University as an associate director of master’s programs at the Tepper School of Business. He hopes to make higher education more accessible for historically marginalized populations.

Interested in volunteering?

 2021-2022 Financials




Please Note: The 2021-2022 financials presented in this report are currently under audit.

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Our Vision Continues

This upcoming year will be an exciting one for LCC! Among the many reasons why is the much-needed return of in-person programming in our new space in East Liberty. 

This year we will also:

  • Work on key items that came out of our Strategic Planning Process: This will be noticed and seen in the form of focusing more on our education programming, succession planning, and clarifying our messaging. 

  • Planning and kicking off our inaugural Annual Fundraising Event: For the first time in our 5-year history, LCC will hold an annual fundraising event! Stay tuned for more details and information! 

  • CHW’s Certification: Our Community Health Workers will become certified CHW’s in the State of Pennsylvania!

  • Implementing Nuestro Futuro:  A new internship and entry-level career program for young adults (age 16-24)


Save the Date!

Check out LCC’s future events:


Navidad in Pittsburgh

December 2022

LCC will provide Christmas gifts to Latinx children throughout Allegheny County. Help us ensure every child has a joyous holiday season!
You can support by donating a gift through our Amazon Wish List!

Back-to-School Bash


LCC’s Annual Back-to-School Bash event will return next summer. Look for updates on how you can support our students as they prepare for a new school year.