Diana Bermeo

Advertising graphic designer


Diana Bermeo joins the Latino Community Center from Duran, Ecuador, where she currently lives. With a degree in graphic design and advertising from Escuela Superior Policténica del Litoral (ESPOL), she is enthusiastic to lend her talents to the LCC. Though living in Ecuador, she looks forward to using her graphic design skills to help support the various programs that lift up the Latinx community here in Pittsburgh.

She has visited Pittsburgh several times and loves the remarkable skyline, the riverfront paths, and, of course, the inviting people.

In her spare time, Diana enjoys going out with friends, traveling, and watching thriller movies with her sisters. She also works with children and teenagers in her own community as a catechist in her local parish, where has been able to reaffirm the idea that feeling like a valuable part of a community is essential to leading a fulfilling life as an individual. She is a passionate advocate for human rights, especially relating to gender, identity, and human dignity.